illustration Inktober


Even if it’s not lethal, it’s still irritating. Bring on the Benadryl.

illustration Inktober


In a cruel twist of fate, the quarrelsome and greedy Graeae Sisters, those daughters of Phorcys, dropped their one and only eye. Nobody, not even them, saw it coming.

illustration Inktober inspiration


“I would encourage you to set really high goals. Set goals that, when you set them, you think they’re impossible. But then every day you can work towards them, and anything is possible, so keep working hard and follow your dreams.” – Katie Ledecky

design graphic design illustration Inktober work


I appreciate art in most any form and have a profound respect for artists who are masters of their medium. I’m inspired daily by young creatives who are discovering new methods of expression as they develop the skills needed to ideate and execute their designs. In a world that is overwhelmingly digital, I still feel […]

creativity illustration Inktober work

Illustrator’s Workspace

The tools of the trade aren’t always digital. That said, I can certainly appreciate the technological advancements that make the job of illustration easier.

Halloween illustration Inktober

Knick-Knack, Paddywhack

Give the dog a bone. This old man came rolling home.

freelance illustration work

Surly Commission

I was contacted by a Surly representative in mid-April asking if I would be interested in contributing to a North Dakota Surly launch poster. The commission was to help celebrate what is unique about our state in an edgy, non-traditional way as part of Surly Brewing Company’s distribution launch into our great state. Myself and two other artists (“Punchgut” […]


Thirsty Hipster

Of cheese and Pabst. Doodling while watching the Packers game (without commentary). The best of Wisconsin. Bring on the heartburn.

Halloween illustration Inktober observations

Time to Rest

Like the fading daylight of autumn, another fun-filled Inktober draws to a peaceful close. Better let the sketchbook and sharpies get some shut-eye before the next inkling. Thanks for all the follows, likes, comments and shares over the past 31 days. It’s rewarding and encouraging to know that there’s an audience for my random illustrations and observations. Please be sure […]

ideas illustration Inktober movies

‘Hey You Guys!’

Hopefully Sloth, The Goonies beefy but lovable misfit monster, will make a return appearance in the alleged Goonies 2 sequel. The last we saw of the Goon Dock adventurers was 30 years ago when they were kids in search of One-eyed Willy’s pirate treasure. It will be interesting to see what adventure awaits them as adults. Imagine the potential […]