My kids hate breakfast. Well, at least cold cereal. There isn’t much, besides Frosted Mini Wheats, that they’ll tolerate. At first I thought it was because our line-up included bland fare like Cheerios and Oatmeal Squares, but they don’t even get excited about Froot Loops or Trix! As a kid, we lived on cereal. It […]
Category: kids
After this week I can honestly say, I prefer man-to-man coverage over zone! My wife left on a four-day business trip Monday and flew in last night. Don’t misunderstand, the four days with my boys was really nice bonding time but parenting definitely requires a partnership between committed individuals! In my opinion, it takes equal […]
Whenever my boys act up in public, I feel like the karma train has hit me. My younger brother and I were often “wild” when the family took an outing and were always scolded by my mother to stop whatever it was we were doing (which was usually just picking on each other). In department […]
It’s astonishing how ubiquitous video games have become in today’s society. My boys frequently remind us how we are the only family in the civilized world that does NOT own a game system. Before you shed a tear for them, please know that they are not suffering. They do have supervised access to two computers […]
We can learn a lot from kids. I marvel at their ability to make friends so easily. It’s not uncommon for either of our boys to start playing with other kids for hours and not even know their names. For whatever reason this carefree and nondiscriminatory attitude towards relationships becomes more conditional as we age. […]
Lucky 7
Today, our youngest boy, Chase, turns seven! We’ve been hounding him for quite some time about what he’d like to do that’s special for his birthday. So far, Mom and Dad will be making a guest appearance in his class to read his favorite books. He wants to have a party some weekend with some […]
If only it were that easy…
I have to agree with my wife, I too, wish our kids had a floating stats meter above their heads to give us immediate feedback as to when they’re feeling tired, sick, angry, happy, scared or hungry. It seems the older they are the better they think they are at convincing you what they’re feeling […]
Energy Efficient Escalator
My soon-to-be seven-year old son, Chase, has always been fascinated with the escalators at the downtown Wells Fargo Bank Building (what kid isn’t?). But he’s concerned about the fact that they are always running – “wasting power”, as he puts it – even when people aren’t using them. His invention: a motion-activated escalator that would […]
I’m amazed at my kids’ generation and their fascination with cell phone technology. My oldest was begging for one as a fourth grader. What in the world would a fourth grader need a cell phone for?! Granted, there seems to be a fair number of “cell phone” kids (formerly known as “latch key” kids) out […]
One of the best things about being the father of two boys is playtime. It’s not difficult for me to get caught up in the things they do because I was into a lot of the same things as a kid. Last night I was recruited into a Nerf Gun battle. I’m amazed, to say […]