Well, our fears have returned. Just when we thought our youngest was cured of his late night voyages, we discovered him wandering outside at 1 am! The motion light and storm door closing was what woke me. I peered outside to see our seven-year-old barefoot on our front walk calling for his bigger brother. We […]
Category: kids
My wife and I are blessed with two wonderfully spirited children and many days I ponder how their ‘challenging’ traits might positively benefit them later in life. Take for instance our youngest, who, not kidding, threw an all out tantrum that lasted almost two hours about having to eat a burrito made with a corn […]
Library Books
Part of our boys’ weekly routine is a visit to the school library. They’re allowed to check out two each week, which isn’t much but when you consider we borrow twenty-five or so books from the public library each month. Combined with all the books we already own, there is no shortage of reading material […]
If there’s one toy my two boys play with the most, it would have to be LEGOS. And just when we think they couldn’t possibly store another brick, they want more. I swear they have enough now to erect a modest tower to the moon. Their constant wanting is not without cause, however. We caved […]
The spring thaw has spawned yet another veritable paradise for boys… Mudville. Regardless of how many times we remind them to avoid the water and mud it seems to find them like iron filings to an electromagnet. Of course, I didn’t exactly make it easy for them not to get dirty. Last fall, just before […]
The Talk
I knew the day was coming, but the school curriculum pretty much sealed the date. My oldest son’s class will soon be covering HIV in science and with it will come some talk about ‘changes’ they are all going through. Rather than have a bunch of squirrelly school boys educating each other, I thought I’d […]
It never fails. Just when the weather starts improving the sore throats start scratching their way into our home. Our oldest started complaining that his stomach hurt and has been pretty hoarse the past few days. The kid’s ten years old but his cough sounds like croop. I’m starting to wonder if it isn’t the […]
Just a few weeks ago my youngest son had a very interesting conversation with my wife. He started by commenting that “the day after yesterday was a great day.” To clarify, my wife corrected by asking, “Do you mean the day before yesterday?” “No.” “Do you mean today?” He responded flatly with, “No. I took […]
School playgrounds have gone through a bit of an evolution since I was a kid. Padded plastic and rubber have replaced the metal and timber structures that endured the use (and abuse) of hundreds of schoolchildren. It’s a wonder that more of us weren’t permanently maimed by these ‘slaygrounds’ of yesteryear. Next to today’s brightly […]
It’s a Mystery
We spent some quality time last night playing with our youngest. I’m amazed at how perceptive he is, though strategically he’s still a little green. It appeared that he knew what he was doing but overall I think he was more intrigued with moving from room to room. It was a great way to pass […]