
I’ve never considered myself a caricature artist — at least not in the sense of setting up a booth at the local street fair to take cash from eager walk-up costumers. Could I? Probably, but I much prefer to work in my studio at a more comfortable pace perfecting a likeness that satisfies both myself and the client. If you have a project where you need a likeness, I’m certainly willing and able. All I ask for is a series of high quality reference images to work from and I’m on my way.

As a kid, I remember soaking up all the parodied celebrity caricatures in Mad Magazine by talented artists like Jack Davis, Mort Drucker and Tom Richmond. Celebrities are great for practice as they are highly recognizable subjects with plenty of reference to pull from. I like to try my hand at a caricature/character portrait from time to time and have done a number of commissioned caricatures/portraits for clients over the years.