Parkland Type Pack | Retro Outdoors!
Introducing the •• P A R K L A N D •• T Y P E •• P A C K •• — a retro collection of typefaces celebrating the splendor of the great American outdoors. A throwback to an era of the summer vacation – when families piled into their luggage-stacked station wagons, pulling canoes and campers to freely explore the scenic wonders of the National Parks and Forests for some long-deserved rest and relaxation.
Here’s what you’ll get in the Parkland Type Pack:
- Inspired by vintage National Park and travel advertising typefaces of the 30s, 40s and 50s
- Includes four retro-styled typefaces: Script, Rounded, Display and Brush
- A bonus glyph set with four park-inspired replica badges
- Each character set is in versatile OTF (open type font) file format
- Free updates and feature additions
- Parkland Script, Rounded and Display faces feature upper (A-Z) and lower case (a-z) characters, standard punctuation, glyphs and limited ligatures (Parkland Script)
- Parkland Rounded and Display include standard numerals (0-9)
- Parkland Brush is a CAPS ONLY display face with limited punctuation
The Parkland Type Pack was created after carefully studying the lettering of environmental and print advertising from early WPA posters, travel brochures and park signage. Character sets were carefully crafted into new originals to bring that reminiscent American charm to each typeface. Whether you’re needing a classic and familiar look for a tourism campaign or simply want to add some retro-stylized charm to your own family vacation photos, add the Parkland Type Pack to your destination. Buckle up and enjoy the journey because designing with this type pack is a blast!
NOTE: All featured designs use typefaces and glyphs from the Parkland Type Pack. Supplementary text is Maxner Extra Bold and Regular (available from StudioWorks). Vector art not included.
My goal is to provide the best quality products, so please provide comments and feedback. If you have any questions, need help with a typeface, or would like to request a new feature, please contact me at Thank you!