

Weddings are certainly a blessed tradition. It’s a time for families and friends to witness and celebrate the union of two committed individuals. Sometimes the weddings are short. Sometimes they’re long. Some are on Fridays, others Saturday. Some have elaborate receptions, others do not. Among the various wedding traditions, there’s one that seems to be […]

celebrations traditions


Time again to dust off the old gown and don the mortarboard. Today is the 70th Commencement of Bismarck State College thus marking the end of many students’ college educations and the beginning of their careers. Best wishes and congratulations to all those graduates out there!



There is no shortage of ways to remind oneself to do things. One of the most ridiculous symbols of remembering is the infamous image of a finger with a string tied around it. I wonder if anyone ever used that technique. It seems like it would take a lot of work and dexterity to tie […]

Easter holidays traditions

Egg Hunt

What would Easter be without a good old-fashioned egg hunt? It’s odd, but I can remember more egg hunts that took place indoors. The combination of Easter fluctuating between the months of March and April and the often splendid Midwestern weather it’s really no mystery. We plan to do an egg hunt this year at […]

Easter holidays traditions

Easter Bunny

It’s interesting how varied the Easter Bunny tradition is in families. As a kid growing up I found it much easier to believe in Santa Claus. After all, Santa wasn’t a buck-toothed, long-eared lagomorph that hopped into your house to deliver Easter baskets while you were sleeping. I mean, come on! An over-sized rabbit delivering […]

food memories observations Thanksgiving traditions


Nothing in the glutenous world beats freshly-baked bread. If you’re yearning for that homemade taste, store-bought frozen bread dough will do in a pinch, but I have to say, nothing beats mom’s homemade bread recipe. If you’ve never witnessed the making of homemade bread, it’s quite a process. I remember the long hours mom spent […]

memories teaching traditions

Practical Jokes

Who doesn’t like a good laugh now and again? Practical joking has always been a creatively effective way to make someone laugh – providing no one gets hurt. A lot depends on who you’re pranking, too. I’ve been the victim of a few practical jokes – some unknowingly (much to the chagrin of the pranksters) […]

seasons snow traditions weather winter

Rodent Weatherman

Button up! It looks like we have six more weeks of winter to endure. The Groundhog’s Day tradition is one of the most interesting and ridiculous ceremonies in American history. I’ve always felt that the conditions leading to the predictions defied logic. In my mind if the groundhog sees his shadow that would mean that […]