kids seasons weather winter

Winter Blues

I knew it would happen eventually. The kids are officially bored with winter. It’s funny how just six months ago they were saying how much they were looking forward to the snow and cooler weather. To some degree their discontentment with the seasons is true for all of us, but as parents we don’t dare let on that we too are fed up with winter. Instead we encourage them to go outside and play in the ‘beautiful’ subzero playground that is our yard (because it’s what they begged for all summer long). They usually last a half hour before coming inside complaining that the snow is too icy to make anything with. I fear that it won’t be long before there is an outbreak of the severely contagious spring fever in the Thorenson household. Oh yippee.

One reply on “Winter Blues”

Your character looks like Chase. Am I right? Ah yes when I was kid we looked forward to coming in after being outside, freezing, yes but able to look forward to a great cup of homemade hot cocoa. Yummmmm, those were the days you didn’t have to worry about the extra calories instead you were busy burning them up!

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