
Web Security

I always wondered if someone was paid to come up with those weird verification words we’re asked to type in on secure sites. Granted most are just gibberish but every once in a while you’ll see something that seems coherent. Even more amusing is the fact that these things actually have a name: CAPTCHAs. It’s an acronym that stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. I’d feel better if there was a human on the other end generating these. If a computer randomly plugs characters in and creates the distorted shape how secure can it really be? Wouldn’t there be a way around it? It’s like radar detectors. I’m pretty sure the one I used back in high school would be completely worthless today because the technology is constantly improving. How long will it be before we start getting a CAPTCHAs that a computer AND human can’t read.

What say you?

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