
Home Remedies

Ever wonder why girls don’t have warts on their fingernails? Turns out nail polish is the perfect home remedy for eliminating them. Yes, the unsightly viral blemish of witch noses and alleged side effect of handling toads is no match for nail polish. I’ve never had warts, but my two boys have been infected.

We tried the fancy (and expensive) Dr. Scholl’s Wart Bandages, but just like regular band-aids you have to keep them on to be effective. Needless to say, we went through a box within a week. In most cases it would make the wart appear worse. My oldest was shocked to see something that resembled a frosted mini-wheat growing out of his hand after removing the bandage one day. I couldn’t help but agree with his complaint that it appeared to have gotten bigger. It was time for a new remedy.

We had always heard that you should smother a wart in order to kill it; like putting duct tape over it (this must look incredibly ridiculous so we voted against that remedy). The other solution was coating the wart with a healthy amount of nail polish. My wife has plenty of clear nail polish and she was more than happy to oblige them. After several weeks of the daily nail polish treatment, my oldest is proudly sporting a wart-free hand. It’s humorous to see them diligently applying nail polish to their warts like a couple of high maintenance teen girls. (Don’t tell them I wrote that. This post will already get me in trouble.)

What say you?

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