
The Taxman Cometh

My mailbox has been filled with those special envelopes marked “Important Tax Information” which can only mean one thing: tax season is upon us. Living in the greatest nation on the planet has its advantages, but also a very hefty price tag. Seems Uncle Sam gets a little hungrier every year. Thanks to the lovely 1040 ES forms I get to pay estimated taxes every quarter! I must be a little sadistic, otherwise I wouldn’t insist on doing taxes myself. My wife always said if I wasn’t an artist I’d probably be an accountant — I’m starting to agree with her!

One reply on “The Taxman Cometh”

Sean you must have a steady hand to draw such a perfect hat on Uncle Sam.–Yes Income Tax is still after me. I thought every thing would be free by now.ha! I stuff all my stuff in a big envelope and send it to the same guy that always did our tax.I never paid attension till Albert had his Stroke and then I had to wake up.–Looks like Dale is having a nice time in Washington shoveling snow.

Just doing the same thing over and over but I’m glad I’m not in the country. Spose your folkswill soon be home.They are doing it right. Albert and I left our kids too much I thought but he would say ‘If they don’t know how to behave by now they never will. I didn’t agree but never said anything.Enuf for now.—-


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