

Those that know me well would admit that I have a touch of OCD. Yes, I am particular about a few things and though I can be fussy, it applies only to certain things. If you were to look at my desk you’d never come to the conclusion that I have these tendencies. Skyscrapers of paper litter my desktop in a sloppy but ironically efficient manner. I still know where to find everything. At some point I have to purge the piles to get organized… not so much for the physical benefits of being able to see my desktop but to put my mind at ease. In so many ways my work space is like compartments of my brain. The more cluttered it is, the more I’m thinking and focusing on. Empty desk, empty head.

If you think this behavior is crazy, you’ll be surprised to know that I’ve gotten extremely lax compared to how I used to be. I could justify spending an entire Saturday washing, waxing and detailing my car (toothpicks, Q-tips and all). And before you conjure up this image of some spoiled young teenager obsessing over his convertible, candy apple red muscle car just know that I did this all for a hatchback. Now that’s crazy!

What say you?

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