
Happy Merry Hallowmas!

hallowmasWhat has happened in the retail world?! Am I the only one that’s noticed that there is absolutely no buffer left between Halloween and Christmas? Think of the money retailers could make if they just blended the two together into Hallowmas. Staff wouldn’t be burdened with changing out Halloween merchandise for Christmas merchandise – the stuff could be displayed right after “Back to School” season in September and sit on the shelves right into January. Kids could purchase their Santa-lanterns in early October to collect candy (say good-bye to the black and orange packaged peanut butter taffy, we’re talking peppermint discs now) and buy their black Hallowmas Stockings complete with embroidered creatures. I never remember this amped-up hype for material decor when I was a kid. Obviously retailers are really after your hard-earned dollars. It’s funny they’ve never been able to capitalize on that other holiday that falls between them… oh, what is it? Oh yeah! Thanksgiving!

4 replies on “Happy Merry Hallowmas!”

How very true. I was shopping for halloween candy and walmart had all of the christmas items up already. Trees, stockings the whole nine yards.

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