weather winter

Cold Enough For Ya?

Okay, so it’s winter. Nothing like being officially reminded with highs still cold enough to freeze your shadow to the sidewalk. Let’s hope this isn’t punishment for all the complaints about last year’s record snowfall. At least shoveling the stuff made you warm.

kids life lessons seasons snow weather winter

Making Friends

We can learn a lot from kids. I marvel at their ability to make friends so easily. It’s not uncommon for either of our boys to start playing with other kids for hours and not even know their names. For whatever reason this carefree and nondiscriminatory attitude towards relationships becomes more conditional as we age. […]

seasons snow weather winter


I think it’s safe to say that winter is upon us. This year was really extraordinary with regard to weather and it was really nice to have the time to prepare for the snow this year. Most of the time, winter comes like an unexpected guest and a lot of the fall work is buried […]

Christmas holidays illustration weather


Well, it’s December and it still doesn’t quite feel like the season yet (that could change today). My Midwestern upbringing has always assimilated snow with Christmas. I do remember a few “brown Christmases” but traditionally we’ve been pushing snow as early as Halloween. Admittedly the weather this year has been unusual all around and I’m […]