

You ever have one of those nights where, try as you might, you just can’t fall asleep? It seems to get worse for me with each passing year. I go to sleep fine, but then I wake up at 3am and my brain instantly starts going through all the things I need to get done. […]


Watch Your Step

I’ve undertaken a sizable home renovation project recently and have been spending time clearing out some of the demolition. Most of the work right now has been clean-up: picking up old paneling and removing nails. My youngest son was kind enough to give me a hand with this task but I was very clear about […]



I have to laugh when I look at the way cotton swabs are marketed. Q-Tips brand cotton swabs boast that they have a ‘variety of uses’ which, ironically enough, I’ve never considered. I can’t think of the last time I used a swab for anything than what the packaging explicitly warns you not to use […]



Most days having two kids is a blessing, but let me tell you, when they argue it’s like poison. It’s that point of the summer where the day-to-day routine and close proximity is starting to wear on each of our boys’ patience (and ours, for that matter). The one phrase that tends to get uttered […]



There are few things in summer that beat grilling. I’m not exactly a grill connoisseur, but nearly everything seems to taste better when it’s cooked over an open flame. Not only is it an excuse to dine nightly on BBQ-friendly fare like dogs, brats, burgers and steaks but grilling outside keeps the house from heating […]


Rocket Day

We had the opportunity to take in Rocket Day with our youngest at the High Prairie Arts and Science Complex this afternoon. We joined the scores of families who attended to build three different homemade rockets. It’s amazing what you can do with Alka-Seltzer tablets, empty film canisters, manila folders and empty water bottles. Each […]


Swimming Lessons

After two weeks of swimming lessons, our youngest passed his level test. He can float, glide and crawl (a little). I’m just proud of the fact that he no longer is afraid to put his face in the water. Turns out the solution was nothing more than a pair of goggles. Now that he is […]


New Spice

If you’re not familiar with Isaiah Mustafa, you’ve been living under a rock. You probably know him better as Old Spice’s latest pitchman. With his superior build and condescending tone he’s saved the brand from the cobwebs of grandpa’s cologne cabinet by starring in a number of creative ‘one-shot’ spots since the Super Bowl last […]



I’ve always believed that success is more probable for those individuals that set goals and then work hard to achieve them. I know it sounds logical, but it’s a well known fact that there are individuals out there who believe they are entitled to something only because they want what someone else has. Unfortunately most […]


Foot-in-Mouth Disease

Do you know of someone who suffers from chronic foot-in-mouth disease? They say loud and proud whatever pops into their head without thinking about how someone else might feel. In their fatally warped universe this is completely acceptable behavior and if anyone takes offense to what they have to say then they’re quick to remind […]