
Say “Cheese”

Photography, in one form or another, has always been a part of my life. While I don’t consider myself a photographer, I can certainly appreciate the aesthetics and life-journaling aspects of it. My dad’s side of the family were like paparazzi at family events. Anytime family was together, the cameras came out to record the moment. I can still picture my aunts with their cameras hanging from every appendage. Us kids got to be pretty good at looking happy even when we were fit to be tied. It’s a wonder that more of the grandkids didn’t become photo-journalists, portrait photographers or even models. I have learned that good photography takes patience and the lasting result is something worth every ounce of blood, sweat and tears (yes, tears) that go into it. It’s a shame that my kids don’t share that sentiment. Maybe I should get the camera out more often.

What say you?

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