


I can make my way around a computer keyboard pretty well but I’ve never claimed to be competent when it comes to today’s television remotes. My wife and kids are infinitely better boob tube navigators than I, so they have little patience for my feeble efforts to turn the channel or, Heaven forbid, record or watch a program using DVR. Believe it or not I even manage to screw things up when I turn off the TV. Apparently you need to ensure that you choose ‘SYSTEM ON/OFF’ over ‘CABLE ON/OFF’ or you’ll have new issues the next time you sit down to watch. Yep, I’m pretty sure even your grandpa could thumb me under the coffee table with his remote mastery.

3 replies on “Remotes”

When we watch the kids at Angie’s or Annette’s place, if they don’t leave the TV on we can’t even figure out the remote to turn it on. If we do by chance get it turned on, we can’t get a channel to watch. It would help if they didn’t have three remotes to pick from.

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