illustration Inktober seasons winter

The Shivering

Context changes everything.

fall illustration Inktober seasons

It’s Almost Here…

The cool, crisp air of autumn wafts the scent of dry leaves, pumpkin spice and Sharpie ink. It can only mean one thing…

celebrations Christmas holidays winter

Merry Christmas

Wishing all of our friends and family a very, Merry Christmas! Enjoy this time of peace and celebration with loved ones.

comeback food illustration Inktober seasons

Pumpkin Spice

The onset of fall brings about many seasonal changes. The leaves change colors, the temperature dips and it’s mandated that pumpkin spice be added to everything. I don’t recall this flavor obsession as much last year, but now it seems to have saturated everything we eat and drink. The standard Thanksgiving pie flavor has now invaded lattes, creamers, alcohol, waffles, oatmeal, toaster pastries, […]

games recreation seasons sports

Season opener

I guess this means Spring has officially sprung. Still wishing it felt like it.

weather winter work

Employee of the Year – Winter

Winter’s been clockin’ some serious overtime lately filling in for that lazy, good-for-nothing, slacker of a season Spring. So instead of dreaming of BBQs and baseball we get to shovel and scrape windows for a while longer. I have to give the Old Man some credit though – I mean it really looks like December […]

seasons summer weather

Dog Days

Stay hydrated and load up on sunscreen because I think Summer has decided to take his pit bull for a walk. Here I was thinking we’d make it the entire season without this blistering heat. I don’t know why I should be surprised. In this state the temperature extremes will typically guarantee that you stay […]

seasons summer teaching


August is an extremely busy time of year in our household. Summer has all but come to a screeching halt and all the things that were slated for completion go into overdrive. As a teacher this rhythm is expected, but right now I’m blanking out a bit with how to proceed. Every second counts and […]

seasons summer

Water War

One thing can be said for hot summer days: they’re perfect for waging water war. Our two boys declared war on us from the relative safety of their tree house. To be fair we equipped them with a five gallon bucket full of water balloons, but we retained the ammo dump: a double-barreled water blaster, […]

memories summer travel vacation

Leaving Cali

Our last day in California was relatively light with activity. In the morning we visited Ocean World where we learned about some of the creatures that inhabit the waters of Crescent Beach. Suddenly the idea of picking up a sea star or touching a sea anemone didn’t seem so scary to the boys. In fact, […]