
Bear Grills Bear Grylls

Some cable channels are kicking off the new year with new seasons and new shows. A veteran staple of the Discovery Channel, “Man vs. Wild” with Bear Grylls, is starting its fifth season. I can’t say that I watch it all that often but what the guy goes through to show viewers how to survive the elements is intriguing and sometimes ridiculous. Thanks to Bear, if I ever find myself stranded in the African Savannah I know I can rehydrate myself with the juices from fresh elephant dung.

One reply on “Bear Grills Bear Grylls”


Ishta Sean this was bad one!–Although I have seen so much on Televion lately I have to quit listening some times. The Drs. show is in Haiti and they really had a show on yesterday. The oldest Dr would break down at times. Dr. Phil’s son sponsers that show. They must be in the money. Realy Sean I’m just practicing typing on you . I even went for a contest in High Schooland could do forty five words a min. and now its a little different.At least I’m not pecking with one finger. Grandma——

What say you?

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