illustration recreation

Assembly Required

If I see another schematic on how to assemble something, it will be too soon. I spent most of  today assembling patio furniture and installing new door knobs in the house. Most would assume that those projects wouldn’t take all day, but then they’ve never thoroughly consulted the manufacturer’s assembly instructions.

I think the individual designers responsible for drafting the illustrations for assembly instructions must have some sort of score to settle with mankind. The stuff may be manufactured cheaply in China, but some American is responsible for the design of it – why can’t the instructions be illustrated well enough to understand easily? I know a lot of guys refer to the ‘instructions’ as ‘suggestions’ and prefer to figure it out on their own, but I fall into the minority that does things to the letter. Yes, I am told quite often that I can make any simple project take more time. I guess I just have a gift.

One reply on “Assembly Required”

Somehow, Sean, I had missed this Inkling. I suppose we were still traveling. I had to laugh when I read how you do everything by the letter. You certainly didn’t get that from your Dad. He only reads the instructions after two hours and he still is scratching his head on how to get started. His motto is, “If there is a will, there is a way.” Not necessarily the right way, but it will do for now. I think the instructions are still the best way.

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