What has happened in the retail world?! Am I the only one that’s noticed that there is absolutely no buffer left between Halloween and Christmas? Think of the money retailers could make if they just blended the two together into Hallowmas. Staff wouldn’t be burdened with changing out Halloween merchandise for Christmas merchandise – the […]
I hope everyone has the opportunity today to reach out to a veteran and say “thank you.” Living in the greatest country on earth has afforded us privileges that we often take for granted. A special “thank you” to my dad, father-in-law and late grandpa Charlie for answering the call to protect our freedoms.
It’s not easy to fly anymore
I wouldn’t consider myself a world traveler or anything but I’ve flown a few times since the TSA upped its security at airports. One thing I haven’t gotten used to is the demoralizing process of taking your shoes off to walk through airport security. There’s something very vulnerable about being barefoot. In the same breath, […]
A new experiment
Aaah, I hate coffee. But I found I recently developed a fondness for cappuccino. Sixteen ounces of sugary goodness.