kids toys


If there’s one toy my two boys play with the most, it would have to be LEGOS. And just when we think they couldn’t possibly store another brick, they want more. I swear they have enough now to erect a modest tower to the moon. Their constant wanting is not without cause, however. We caved to their requests a while ago to subscribe to LEGO Brickmaster Magazine, which is nothing more than a glorified catalog that’s being passed off as a legit publication.

Featured betwix the covers of this full color, slick bi-monthly you’ll find: a comic strip of LEGO characters interacting in the latest LEGO theme set, submitted ‘Brickmaster’ reader photos of their LEGO creations, and several full page advertisements for the next ‘must have’ theme soon to be released by LEGO.

I try to explain to the boys the impossibility of them acquiring an entire set because some collections are endless. I’ve also tried convincing them that, believe it or not, more toys will NOT satisfy their selfishness or supply their eternal happiness. The usual response is either disgusted or puzzled looks that seem to say “Dad, you don’t know what you’re talking about”.

All things considered, LEGO is still the most ‘creative’ toy you can invest in and my boys never seem to tire of them. I’m sure there will come a day when I will miss constantly having those wretched LEGOS underfoot because right now they’ve basically taken over our entire basement.

What say you?

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